Adult Volunteer Opportunities

The successful operation of Korean Culture Camp depends on volunteers. We encourage volunteers from every family, and many families have two or more volunteers at camp each year. There are many different areas in which to volunteer at camp. Below is a list and description of our volunteer areas. Please identify the areas where you can help and take the following two steps:
Note: All volunteers, teachers and teens who are 18 years of age or older as of July 14, 2025 are required to complete a background check.
Our volunteers find their time at camp to be fun and rewarding. Without your involvement KCC would not be possible. Thank you in advance.
We appreciate your flexibility and understanding that these opportunities might change a bit. Note - there is NO Saturday program this summer.
Homeroom Aide
As a homeroom aide you will be assigned to a class of campers for the week of camp. You will be the campers’ main contact at camp. During the day, you will accompany the campers to their classes, lunch and activities. There is an orientation meeting prior to camp.
Volunteer Hours: We ask our Homeroom Aides to commit to being at camp ALL WEEK, 9:00 - 3:00
Art Room
In the Art Room, you will help organize and prepare materials for our Art teachers and campers. This includes: cutting, sorting and some assembly of art projects.
Volunteer Hours: Following morning drop off - afternoon pick up
Our needs in the Art Room are highest Monday - Thursday
Kitchen / Food Service
Our Kitchen volunteers prepare and serve everyone at camp a hot Korean lunch. As a volunteer in the Kitchen you will be on your feet most of the day. We follow the strict rules for an institutional kitchen - you will have to wear closed-toe shoes and a hair covering while working in the Kitchen.
Volunteer Hours: 9:15 - until the kitchen is clean, usually around 2:30
Dining Room
In the Dining Room, you will serve water and lemonade during lunch service. Volunteers also clean tables during lunch.
Volunteer hours: Following morning drop off - 2:50 or until the dining room is clean
As a Playground volunteer, you will assist with sports and activities planned for playground time. Our playground volunteers get campers active and engaged, and assist with daily set up and clean up.
Volunteer Hours: Following morning drop off - 2:00 or until all the equipment and materials are cleaned up
Craft Activities
Coming soon.
Volunteer Hours: Following morning drop off - 2:00 or until all the equipment and materials are cleaned up
Sibling Care
As a volunteer in this area, you will provide care to the young children of adult volunteers and teachers at camp. The children in Sibling Care range in age from about 1 1/2 years old to 5 years old. The children have playground time, lunch, nap time and toys and movies in their room.
Volunteer Hours: Immediately after morning drop off - 3:00
Nurse/Nurse Assistant
In the Nurse’s office, you will assist campers with minor medical needs. We prefer volunteers with a medical background.
Volunteer Hours: Following morning drop off - afternoon pick up
Snack Sales
As a snack sales volunteer you will help set up and sell Korean snacks to campers, parents, volunteers, and teachers at the end of the camp day. The snack sales area is very popular and busy. If you volunteer in this area, it is important that your children can independently leave their class and wait for you until snack sales are over, or that you can find alternative care for younger children during snack sales.
Volunteer Hours: 2:15 - 3:25 or until snack sales are over and everything is put away
Security volunteers walk the perimeter of camp and inside the building to ensure the safety of our campers. In the morning, you will welcome campers and volunteers to camp.
Volunteer Hours: 9:00 - the end of the camp day
Our volunteers in this area help by making copies for teachers during camp. Our copying volunteers pick up copy requests, make, and deliver the copies. This area needs one person a day. If you are interested in helping in this area, it is especially busy on Saturday (set up day) and the first day of camp.
Volunteer Hours: Saturday before camp 9:00 - 12:00
After morning drop off until the end of the camp day during the week of camp
Saturday Set Up
On the Saturday before camp begins, our volunteers help unload boxes of supplies and deliver them to the appropriate rooms. This volunteer position requires some heavy lifting.
Volunteer Hours: Saturday before camp; 9:00 - 12:00
Friday Clean Up
We begin packing up camp around 1:00 on the last day (Friday) of camp. You will gather at the Front Desk early Friday afternoon. You will pick up boxes from each of our areas. This may require some heavy lifting.
Volunteer Hours: Early Friday afternoon until all supplies are picked up and in storage